BA-310 POL

The BA310POL is designed for the examination of birefringent samples from petrography and mineralogy, and can also be used for the synthetic materials industry where repeatable observations can be performed with efficiency and reliability. The BA310POL also works especially well in educational applications of material professions, where affordability and ease-of-use are key requirements.

BA-310 POL

Based   on   the   ease-of-use   concept   developed through Motic’s successful BA Series, the BA310POL follows these same principles by paying careful attention on strain-free optical components as well as smooth mechanical movements.

Now with lead-free manufacturing, in full compliance with RoHS regulations, the strain-free versions of the new EC Plan Achromatic lenses naturally provide optimal image contrast through a multi-layer lens  coating.

The pre-centered rotating stage with 160mm diameter has got a hard coated and chemical resistant surface; where a high precision ball-bearing mechanism ensures smooth rotation, while the 360° scale gives orientation and allows semi-quantitative measurements.

Download a copy of the BA-310POL brochure here.