BA-310 MET

Motic has paid careful attention to the daily industrial work environment and introduced the BA-310MET microscope for materials investigations. The BA-310MET is both simple and efficient.  The reflected light Epi-Illuminator comes standard with a 12v/50W light source; this light source may also be adapted to LED illumination by simply replacing the halogen module with either a 4500K or 6000K LED module.  A built-in field diaphragm and aperture diaphragm help to optimize image quality by reducing stray light an increasing contrast.

BA-310 MET

Motic’s new Long-Working distance LM Plan objectives are specifically designed for incident light illumination.  Optimal image contrast is provided by a multi-layer lends coating in conjunction with a fully corrected tube lens.  The intermediate image is free of color fringes, making any digital image as clean and crisp as the one seen in the eyepieces.

A hard coated and chemical resistant 75x50mm travel stage is standard; larger stages with extended travel are available, as well as transmitted light stages.  For maximum sized samples the column-mounted BA-310MET-H model available.

Download a copy of the BA-310MET brochure here.