The Motic EasyScan Pro Whole Slide Imaging system is a small footprint personal desktop scanner packed with powerful cutting edge digital pathology features for less than $25K!! (shipping and installation extra)
Unmatched Ease of Use
- REALTIME AUTOFOCUS: Time consuming pre-mapping focus points is no longer necessary
- WALK AWAY ONE-BUTTON SCANNING: Incredible time savings
- CAPTURES PREVIEW IMAGES IN SECONDS: Not minutes: High definition (HD) overview display
- REALTIME REMOTE CONTROL: Allows tele-consultation, scanning consultation applications
- Z STACK CAPTURE: Allow rolling focus of images
- BAR CODE READER: Helps keep accurate record keeping
- MULTIPLE IMAGE DISPLAY: View images sides by side for direct comparison
- ANNOTATION, MEASURE, IMAGE TAGS: Simple, easy to add and undo
- EXTENDED DEPTH OF FIELD (EDF) SOFTWARE allows a series of Z stack images to be transformed into single FOCUSED image with unprecedented clarity!
- CONVERT SLIDES TO JPEG, JPEG2000 or SVS format: Whole slide or region of interest (ROI) conversion for use with 3rd party software packages at any magnification
- TELE-CONSULTATION SYSTEM allows remote hospital access to the digital sections and associated clinical data, all data is automatically uploaded through the consultation platform. After login, digital slides can be seen from browser to browser, allowing secondary discussion. Additional users can use iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices for mobile consultation.
Send us your slides to scan and we will upload the resulting images on our server for your review. Or better yet, call us at 952-380-3696 to arrange a Web based ‘LIVE” demonstration on the EASY SCAN PRO digital pathology whole slide scanner.